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anatess2 last won the day on September 27 2020

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    LDS (with Roman Catholic background)

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  1. Yep. That's why it's not useful, and even hurtful, to talk to/about individuals using group identities. Jordan Peterson talks about this a lot.
  2. One thing I learn about politics - Republicans don't always know what the Republican Party stands for... same for Democrats and the Democrat Party.
  3. That's OLD NEWS. WHO came out with an update from contact tracing data. And no, this is not an endorsement of government-imposed contact tracing.
  4. The virtue signaling is thick on this one... It's sad to see how much the quality of your posts have declined.
  5. No. What's the difference between 200,000 deaths and 200,001 deaths? None. "Give me liberty or give me death" - someone famous. "Those who give up liberty for safety will have neither liberty nor safety" - another someone famous. "“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - another one also famous.
  6. And this is EXACTLY WHY people should not cede power to government.
  7. This is not a valid reason to expand government authority. And masks are a tool to commit anonymous armed robbery, symbols of white supremacy, antifa-terrorists, female oppression, etc. etc. In any case, masks are covered under freedom of expression - something that the government is supposed to not infringe. Still not a valid reason for government infringement of liberty. Not a valid reason for government infringement of liberty. That's what they've been saying for the past 4 months. Yet, it seems like there is more effort to pressure people to hand draconian power to government rather than pressure government to approve medical protocols to help reduce ER and ventilator needs. Depends on what problem you are trying to solve and what problems you are willing to ignore... and this is just masks... can you imagine when the CDC approves a vaccine?
  8. Well, that's the thing... places like California are making statewide ordinances that are designed for the urban centers mandated to non-urban dwellers. So, urban backyards in California are mask-zones which now applies to non-urban dwellers. This is another issue with government mandates.
  9. Are you really debating the detail of what constitutes public places?
  10. My 84-year-old aunt is having a "we're not talking to each other" fight with my 80-year-old mother. My 80-year-old mother is telling my 84-year-old aunt who flew to the USA all the way from the Philippines last March just to end up stuck in an apartment in LA to stop asking people to visit. My aunt has been calling everybody because she wants to visit them. Everybody in my family refused her visit except me. I even told her I'll buy her ticket. So now nobody is talking to me either. This is why I told her I'll buy her ticket... this is what she tearfully said to me - "I am 84 years old. I can die in my sleep tomorrow. I don't want to die cowering in an apartment. I want to spend everyday of what's left in my life to personally connect with my family and touch everybody's faces. I'd rather visit you and die of covid rather than die peacefully in my sleep not having the chance to see your children except for 1 week when they were little." Of course I said yes. Infection rate in my city - 2,000. Infection rate in LA - 80,000. I work from home, my husband works from home, my son is a fisherman - if you're within 25 feet of a fisherman, you're too close. We don't have the virus. We all live by Faith in God, continuing to do good things, rather than Fear of Death. No brainer. My entire family, led by my mother (her only living sibling), pressured her to stop our plans. My mother told me - "If she dies of covid visiting you, You are guilty of murder." So she went home to the Philippines yesterday - flying through multiple airplanes and multiple airports in multiple infected cities - never having visited anybody. I thought to myself, "If she dies before she gets a chance to see my children, I will do everything in my power to have her temple work done over the objections of my mother and her children."
  11. Same difference. Because, you're having a government forcing EVERYBODY - even those who don't carry the virus and can't possibly spread it - to wear one. There are so many assumptions that the government is making here. 1.) Everybody is a carrier. 2.) Masks are required to stop viral spread regardless of other methods exercised. 3.) Any mask - including non N95 standard ones - can stop viral spread. 4.) Masks can improve societal health more than it hurts... and the main thing - 5.) Stopping viral spread among a healthy population is the best way to deal with a viral pandemic.
  12. They've come a looooong way from the age of the war of the monarchs. Speaking of monarchs... there's a lot of talk that the American princess is gonna be the end of the royals or at least the royalists. What's your take on it?
  13. The plane fact that you can be prosecuted for Hate Speech, whereby "hate" is defined by government, means you do not have freedom of speech. You have government-indulged speech. And yes, I'm very familiar with Count Dankula.