7 Mormon-Inspired Names For 7 New Planets


And worlds without number have I created

Moses 1:33

Seven Earth-sized planets have been discovered a mere 40 light-years away (that’s 235 trillion miles), according to a study released Wednesday in the journal Nature. Because of their size and proximity to their sun (TRAPPIST-1), all seven planets potentially hold liquid water. The TRAPPIST-1e, TRAPPIST-1f, and TRAPPIST-1g are the most promising candidates for sustaining life.

Though plenty of information is available on the specs of each planet (mass, radius, tidal lockage, etc.), NASA has yet to give our potential future homes super rad names. So, we here at MormonHub are offering suggestions.

NASA, take note.

1. The Kolob-V System

2. The Nephite Monetary System

3. The Seven Seal System

4. Seven Brides For Seven Brothers System

5. Father Abraham’s Seven Sons System

6. The Seven Church’s of Revelation System


7. The Typical Utah Family System

new planets

Gabriella is a psychology major, Westfalia-dweller, and expert bean-eater. Having spent the majority of her life living in the great Latin-American metropoles of Guatemala and Mexico, Gabriella continues to grapple with the eccentricities of suburban living.