The Book of Mormon is not for kids


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the Book of Mormon is filled with violence and other themes that aren't really kid friendly IMO. Do we really want kids to read about people getting dismembered and how really evil some of people in the BoM are? That and IIRC one of the last books where someone was so "evil", that when his head was chopped clean off, the rest of his body was still swinging his sword? Graphic material like that would seem traumatic to a kid IMO.


Where did this come from?

Little Red Riding Hood is at least as violent as Ammon'n'the sheep stealers. Snow White. Beauty and the Beast. The Little Mermaid. The Three Little Pigs. Stop when you see the pattern. Rumplestiltskin, The Little Matchseller. Rapunzel.

We live in a coddled state. Our children have become too timid to live in the world.

David Farragut, the first admiral in USmerica, commanded a war ship when he was 13. He'd been at sea for two years. Once, he was commended to go down and get the igniters for the cannons. He came back to report that one of the ship's crew had fallen on him on the way down to the hold, dead. The captain asked if he, Farragut, were injured. When he heard the cabin boy was unhurt, he asked, "Where are the igniters?"

Children are far tougher than we moderns imagine.


Edited by LeSellers
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Tangent: I keep seeing you type [uSmerica], and I'm not familiar with it. Where does it come from and why do you refer to the USA this way?

My own neologism: USmericans as opposed to THEMericans. (This part is a jokish snidity.)

I worked with a Mexican who insisted that he was an American. I married a Canadian, and she, too, is an American. Then, when I met a Chilean who called himself an American, I just decided that the distinction needed to exist.

"USA" cannot be declined. (The "newspaper", USA Today tries it, but it just does not work.) "America" is too broad. "USmerica" fits, and we can decline it (USmerican) when its function in a sentence requires it.


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