Greenhouse Gases

Winnie G

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The federal government declared a Canada-wide ban on the sale of inefficient lightbulbs on Thursday, pledging to eliminate them entirely in Canada within five years.

I am so pleased with the Canadain government today.

I have to say even though I did not vote for this party at lest they are doing something beside debating and colleting fat pay checks.

They keep this up and they will have my vote next time but I will be watching. :lookaround:

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That's great to use fluorescent bulbs... we've switched almost all of ours. But there is an issue with that type of bulb that could cause problems. They contain a small amount of mercury. Hopefully there will be strict guidelines for disposing of them. It is difficult to enforce though. I know many people, for instance, throw old batteries in the trash, which is an environmental hazard. It seems like they could come up with a safer type of light.


The standard fluorescent lamp contains approximately 20 milligrams of mercury. While there are no known health hazards from exposure to lamps that are intact, improper disposal of fluorescent lamps can contaminate the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that over 800 million lamps are produced each year to replace 800 million lamps that are then disposed. Since 1 gram of mercury is enough to contaminate a 2-acre pond, there is enough mercury in those lamps to contaminate 20 million acres of water.

Mercury is toxic to the human nervous system. Chronic breathing of mercury vapors can cause a range of physical symptoms, including inability to coordinate body movement and impairment of hearing, speech and vision. Exposure to mercury in other forms can lead to skin rashes and kidney damage.

Elemental mercury that is released to the environment can be deposited into lakes, rivers, and the oceans where a biological process takes place in which the mercury is converted into methylmercury, a highly toxic organic form of mercury. The methylmercury is then consumed by various animals in the food chain where it bioaccumulates, concentrating to higher and higher levels in larger animals. Consumption of larger mammals could cause elevated levels of methylmercury in humans, resulting in neurological damage to unborn children. According to estimates by the National Wildlife Federation, 85,000 U.S. women of childbearing age in a given year are exposed to elevated methylmercury levels sufficient to affect the brain development of their babies.

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Another incidence of the gov't telling you what you can and can't do, and for what?

The whole GW thing is a crock of that one stuff, and people jump on that bandwagon like a bunch of sheep. Check out and you may be surprised to learn that there are actually FACTS proving this is all a bunch of hooey dreamt up by people with nothing better to do than tell you how many squares of TP to use (and have the gov't enforce it besides!). That will end my days of shaking hands with anyone!

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I think it is horrible. The fact that it is being forced on us and the supposed "environ'mental'ist" back it 110%. I refuse to use it. If the government trys to ban the old school bulbs then I will stock up hard core until a judge can over turn it.

How can they be for this crap and not for Nuke Power which is way more efficent and safer.

The truth is these people just want to see the USA fall. They are attacking us from within and this is just one small battle in our overall war.

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con·spir·a·cy /kənˈspɪrəsi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhn-spir-uh-see] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun, plural -cies. 1. the act of conspiring.

2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.

3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.


[Origin: 1325–75; ME conspiracie, prob. < AF; see conspire, -acy; r. ME conspiracioun; see conspiration]

—Related forms

con·spir·a·tive, adjective

con·spir·a·to·ri·al /kənˌspɪrəˈtɔriəl, -ˈtoʊr-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kuhn-spir-uh-tawr-ee-uhl, -tohr-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, con·spir·a·to·ry, adjective

con·spir·a·to·ri·al·ly, adverb

—Synonyms 1. collusion, sedition. 2. Conspiracy, plot, intrigue, cabal all refer to surreptitious or covert schemes to accomplish some end, most often an evil one. A conspiracy usually involves a group entering into a secret agreement to achieve some illicit or harmful objective: a vicious conspiracy to control prices. A plot is a carefully planned secret scheme, usually by a small number of persons, to secure sinister ends: a plot to seize control of a company. An intrigue usually involves duplicity and deceit aimed at achieving either personal advantage or criminal or treasonous objectives: the petty intrigues of civil servants. Cabal refers either to a plan by a small group of highly-placed persons to overthrow or control a government, or to the group of persons themselves: a cabal of powerful lawmakers. Unabridged (v 1.1)

Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

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Explain yourself please, Dr T :) . Are you saying there is a conspiracy? Or are you saying one (or more) of us are conspiracy theorists?

What do you think of the mercury in the bulbs? Does that possible effect on the environment worry you? What about if you break one accidently in your home?

The thing that worries me is that I didn't even know they had mercury in them until today. If I would've broken one in my house, I would have vacuumed it up. However, they say that is the worst thing you can do bc it disperses the mercury throughout your house, contaminating it.

I know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but if I didn't know about the danger of it, how many others don't know?

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I just want all of you to know that I have been supremely blessed today because the first Secretary of Carbon, the all-knowing, all-inventing AlGore is here in Buffalo today to indoctrinate a bunch of young minds full of mush about the evils of capitalism and how Mother Earth loves them but we are all ungrateful servants to her. Oh, and that while he has a huge mansion that spends more money in carbon fuels than I will in 10 years, he has bought some trees to offset his usage.

Isn't that something about the rich having what they want while the poor suffer? How does AlGore reconciliate the apparent contradiction?

Oh, that's right. He wants US to change. He doesn't have to because he cares more than we do...

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Didn't see that one, but one where they spoofed Rosie. Same thing, I was laughing. South Park has had some of the most original humor, but when they ridiculed the Savior I stopped watching. It was too much for me then.

News Flash from the Indoctrination Lesson by AlGore: He invented Carbon! It was right before he and Tipper invented the internet...

It's sad to see stupid people. It is even sadder when they open their mouth...

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Next thing you know the government will be telling me what kind of toilet paper I can use.

Back in the good ole days when I was a kid you could get coloured toilet paper and kleenex and then it too was band - now all there is, is white. Some kind of "colourist" philosophy going on or, was it for the betterment of mankind? :hmmm: I must say though that coloured toilet paper was fun to use for TP'ing, and very decorative. :)


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