When do we get resurrected?


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When do we get our resurrected bodies?  Is it before the final judgment? Absolutely if so if you get resurrected with a Celestial body isn't it already a hint that you're going to the Celestial Kingdom. Same with terrestrial body.

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For those of us who are going to the celestial kingdom, I'm confident we will know for ourselves far in advance of the resurrection and judgement.  For those who enter other kingdoms, I would assume some of them will know far in advance as well based on their gospel knowledge, some may not but will probably come to understand once they receive and accept the fullness of the gospel.  I would venture to say that I think no one will be surprised about their eternal destination at the time of judgement.  As for me personally, if I were to die today, I am 100% confident I will end up in the celestial kingdom, because I am temple worthy and strive to live up to my covenants.  So as you can see, I have my 'hint' already.  ;)

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I agree with @person0.  Paul's writings talk about the Spirit as an "earnest" (in other words, a "down payment") on the blessings we receive in the hereafter; so we can know roughly where we stand with God long before the resurrection just by gauging the degree of Spirit that we typically enjoy in our daily walk with Christ (but with the caveat that sometimes circumstances beyond our control may make it more difficult to feel the Spirit).

And yeah, the resurrection comes before the final judgment; so we will already have our celestialized/terrestrialized/telestial bodies at that point.  Whether we will be sufficiently experienced with resurrected bodies to know the difference, of course, is another question entirely. ;)

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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14 hours ago, Zarahemla said:

When do we get our resurrected bodies?  Is it before the final judgment? Absolutely if so if you get resurrected with a Celestial body isn't it already a hint that you're going to the Celestial Kingdom. Same with terrestrial body.

Yes it is before the final judgement... The question is how long before the final judgement. And yes if you could tell what kind of body you ressed with would probably be a decent hint.. Altho youd have a fairly good idea where you wre headed based on when you were resurrected too (altho id wager that you would find out in the spirit world even before then). Basically it will proceed in order from celestial to outer darkness folks... With the the outer darkness folks being resurrected just before the final judgement.

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Please note the resurrection has already started.  Christ was the first but with him came many of the righteous that had gone before him.  (See 3 Nephi where Christ tells them to record the fulfillment of Samuel's prophecy. )  So while it is true that the spirit can tell you now what it will be the resurrection will start with the Celestial and work its way down.  So when it comes to the resurrection you want to be an early one.  Of course you have to finish your mortal existence first so that is a limit on how soon.


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