What helps you to endure to the end?


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Read D&C 124:16–19, 87–90, 97–110. The men in these verses received great instructions and promises. However, they fell into apostasy and forfeited many of their blessings. What has helped you most in your efforts to endure to the end in righteousness?

D&C 124https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/124.93

What helps me to endure to the end?

Visit teaching! It is a challenge to meet my sisters every month but making this a priority helps me make my faith a priority.

Reading the Book of Mormon daily.

Attending the temple! Love the peace of the temple! Love sealing my ancestors together.

What helps you to endure to the end?

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1 minute ago, An Investigator said:

Praying alot and I also started a blessings diary a while back.  My Patriarchal blessing was also amazing and answered a lot of questions that had been praying on my mind and put them to bed so I read that often.   

What is that, if you don't mind my asking?

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Not sure what you mean..

The week leading up to my Patriarchal blessing was horrific, it was so bad I nearly didn't go I was absolutely crippled with anxiety and depression and it was just amazing.. I think to most people my blessing probably isn't anything special... I doesn't say I am going to do great things,  It just reminds me that I am loved and tells me in the end, as long as I am faithful everything will work out :) 


A blessings diary is every night I try and write two things that have happened to me which have been a blessing, like finding some money to buy a coke at work or my son picking me a flower out of the garden,  small stuff that we can over look

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OH... sorry!  A Patriarchal Blessing is a really special blessing you get from a guy called to do these blessings,  we believe if we follow the instruction it gives us from Heavenly Father we will be happy and have greater direction in life.   Most people in the Church get it as teenagers but I am a convert to the Church so I had mine in my 30s.   Normally people don't share what is in them (except the odd remark) with anyone but their family.   I am the only member of my family in the Church so I shared my experience with my best friend as she is the only member in her family also.  


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