Only in the Philippines?


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There are some stuff that are just funny about the Philippines.  This is a people that love to name their kids like doorbell sounds - Bing, Bong, Ding, Dong, Ping, Pong.  And what's more - they're not satisfied with just one sound so they double it - Dongdong, Bongbong, Jinggong...

Lately, I've been noticing the Filipino creativity in store names.








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30 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I like "Engrish", which is unintentional, but these are intentional!  Funny is funny, but clever funny is wit!  And wit rocks.  

They're innumerable!  If I take pictures of all of them, I'll run out of space in my phone fast!



(These are fishball stands - fish meat made into a ball and stuck into bbq sticks and fried, grew up on this stuff, they are yummy):






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8 hours ago, anatess2 said:

They're innumerable!  If I take pictures of all of them, I'll run out of space in my phone fast!

Neat pictures!  i have a colleague who spent a couple years as an ex-pat in Manila.  He enjoyed it.  Very nice and friendly people.  Only moved back because his wife wasn't compatible with the weather. 

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